• THREE opinions in the New Journal (March 13) provide a fascinating comparison.
A UCL student vote (page 24) supports a motion that “…because the British military… is currently engaged in an aggressive war overseas… to encourage students to join the military… would give political and material support to the war”.
I think they may be referring to the efforts to abate the civil war in Iraq; and of this, the Royal Free’s Dr Haidar Al Hakim reports (page 22) that “…since 2007, things are getting better. The government is much stronger… Things are definitely on the up”.
Thirdly, a letter from Councillor Faruque Ansari (page 17) suggests that “…the British government… recruit… large numbers of British Asian youngsters… [to use as] peacekeepers around the world in support of an ethical foreign policy…”.
One hopes that the students read your paper and ponder these two other perceptions.
Lancaster Grove NW3