Place to go
• AT Haverstock’s latest area forum local people shared how anti-social behaviour still stopped them feeling safe.
People living in Denton and Skipton and around the south end of Malden Road especially felt failed.
It seemed the council’s strategy has simply shifted anti-social young people from one corner to another estate.
The forum focused on solutions. It wasn’t rocket science: young people need somewhere else to go.
We welcome the commitment to an after- school club at Haverstock School, supported by the London Development Agency.
Building on Mayor Ken Livingstone’s Londonwide group to make sure London meets the government’s target to reduce childhood obesity, the Youth Sport Trust scheme will give students at Haverstock five hours of sport a week, from break-dancing to martial arts. This is just the service we need for us all to start feeling safe.
Sophie Moullin, Malden Road and Raj Chada Governor, Haverstock School