Clearing up a scandal
• WITH reference to John Gulliver (Clearing out old folks’ homes is a lot easier than clearing up the scandal, January 31) well done for exposing the latest attempt by Camden Council to cover-up serious wrongdoing by council staff.
Absolutely disgraceful state of affairs. This cover-up is only the tip of the ice-berg.
Various Freedom of Information requests I have made reveal that within the space of seven months, 775 Camden council tenant and leasehold street properties have disappeared from the list of properties the council holds.
Camden Council has said that it intends to sell off 500 properties over a period of five years. What is going on?
I wonder what the contrived borough-wide group set up by Camden Council to preside over all council street properties has to say about the disappearance of 775 street properties?
This group, heavily endorsed by Camden Council has been tightly guarding its committee minutes since its annual meeting in April 2007, going as far as using the Data Protection Act to with-hold the minutes – so who knows what has been conspired!
T Morgan
Address supplied, NW5