MRSA tale too far?
• EVERYONE who read the account of the unhappy experience endured by Colin Ludlow will be extremely sympathetic and wish Mr Ludlow a speedy and complete recovery (I went into hospital for 10 days but stayed for five months, contracted MRSA and nearly died, January 31).
He informs us that there are “some great consultants. I’m still alive and I’m grateful
for that.”
Mr Ludlow is quite right. There are some great consultants – and very many great nurses, great cleaners and great paramedics...
No one has yet, and probably never will, devise a system whereby risk, accidents and mishaps will not occur – whether we are crossing the road, flying in a plane, eating some contaminated food or being treated in a hospital.
Nor do we need a book to remind us of this. I will not be reading his book, Shadows in Wonderland: A Hospital Odyssey, but I will be keeping my next out-patient appointment at the Royal Free Hospital.
Donald Winstock
West Heath Avenue, NW11