Looking forward to a breakfast dip
• AS a regular swimmer at the ladies pond for the past 36 years I must voice dismay and embarrassment at Maggi Ray-Jones’s attacks on men and male swimmers and her fierce criticism of such members of the ladies pond committee (of which she is a member) as have dared propose inviting “the men” to a convivial breakfast swim at “our” pond some morning come the spring (Invitation to a breakfast swim up for debate, February 7).
Perhaps Ms Ray-Jones’s fury might have been tempered had she, like myself, enjoyed year after year the gracious hospitality of the men at their pond whenever ours has been closed – a not unexceptional occurrence particularly in winter.
That hospitality is all the more appreciated since the women have to pass by and through the men’s changing enclosure no less than four times every time they have their swim.
I am grateful to Jane Shallice for proposing (albeit not entirely by democratic process) to offer “the men” a token of our gratitude.
Her proposal which I trust will be accepted by the majority of those who care to attend our March annual meeting must help strengthen relations between Heath swimmers, something what can only be of advantage to members of either group.
Carla M Wartenberg
Tanza Road, NW3