Sweeney Todd health and safety ruling sticks in the throat
• I WENT to the Vue 02 Centre in Finchley Road to see Sweeney Todd.
The programme started at 7.10pm but the film did not begin for almost 40 minutes. Having sat through interminable advertising and explosive trailers I was dismayed to find the house lights remained undimmed as the main feature came on. The ceiling lights brightly illuminated my popcorn-guzzling neighbours but made it impossible to focus on the screen. The duty manager informed me they had received many complaints but that the lights had to remain on “due to health and safety”.
I am a film director and passionate about cinema but have never before encountered this policy, which is surely an insult to both film-makers and the public. Is it, perhaps, some new EU directive to ensure that the audience do not trip over discarded cartons on their frequent visits to the toilets? Will it be extended to theatres so actors may have a view of slumbering or texting patrons?
Ken Howard
Director Landseer Productions, NW1