We’re liaising on the way forward for Frank Barnes
• THERE are a number of issues I would like to clarify following your story about the future of the Frank Barnes School in Camden (‘Inappropriate’ deaf school merger still on the table, January 31).
The story is, understandably, selective in what it quotes from my email.
It’s a shame we were not approached for a chance to fully explain our position before the story was published.
To give a more complete picture, it also says: “In Haringey, we are neutral on the issue of closing Frank Barnes. If it is to close, we would want to see appropriate provision for the children. We would also want to help and co-operate with our adjoining local authority as it plans special school provision. “Blanche Nevile is an effective and successful school. It is valued by Haringey Council, by the children who attend it and by their parents. Similarly, they and we value the close partnership with Highgate Primary School and the degree of inclusion this allows Blanche Nevile pupils; and the enrichment provided to Highgate Primary pupils. “We know that the Frank Barnes approach is different to that at Blanche Nevile. “We respect that, but would be concerned if the impact of Frank Barnes closing were to radically change the educational philosophy that governs the way Blanche Nevile works and works in partnership with Highgate Primary. “Accordingly, we do not consider that any form of school merger would be appropriate.”
As I make clear, the decision on the future of Frank Barnes is one for Camden and Camden alone. There is no dispute between the two councils. As you would expect, we are liaising closely on a possible way forward.
If pupils did move to Blanche Nevile, they would be welcome and appropriate provision for their needs would be made – the two schools have a different approach for the use of British Sign Language and other ways of communicating.
Ian Bailey
Deputy Director Children and Young People Services
Haringey Council
Descending into farce
• THE sorry tale of the council’s plans to close Frank Barnes School seem to have descended into farce (‘Inappropriate’ deaf school merger still on the table, January 31).
Why is Camden keeping the idea of a merger with Blanche Nevile on the table, when even officers from Haringey Council and that school say such a move wouldn’t work?
Is the council so desperate to shove such an excellent school, serving some of the most vulnerable kids, out of Camden?
It speaks volumes about their commitment to special educational needs.
The row about Frank Barnes, the new academy and whether there should be a secondary school south of the Euston road has been going on for more than a year now.
The Tory and Liberal Democrat administration seem totally inept and out of their depth it makes me very anxious over the future of education in Camden.
Selman Ansari, NW6