New school
• CAMDEN’S Labour Party really is a joke. They are in power for 35 years and fail to build a single secondary school.
They contest the 2006 elections without any commitment to build a single school anywhere. Even though they know less than half of the borough’s secondary age children actually get into a Camden school.
My party went into those same elections with a commitment to build at least one secondary school. We got elected. In office we set about trying to find a site to meet this ambition.
We find one at Adelaide Road.
We submit proposals to the Labour government and, under pressure from the same government to build an academy, we decide that University College London would be a suitable partner to build the new school, given their expressed commitment to comprehensive education.
What do we get from Labour?
Opposition all the way.
And now we find that Camden Labour wants to delay everything, and stop £200 million being spent on the entire network of secondary schools in the borough.
This is so that they can develop plans to build a school in the south of the borough, which they failed to mention in their manifesto two years ago.
Executive Member for Children