Is everything down at the pool really going swimmingly?
• I AM a local resident who lives close to the Kentish Town swimming pool, which I used to use daily when it was operational.
As your publication covered the considerable furore over the previous council administration’s intention to close the pool owing to lack of funds, presumably to sell the site for development purposes, I thought I might mention that since the pool has been closed for repairs I have seen almost no activity in relation to said repairs over the past seven to eight months.
I realise this is entirely anecdotal reporting but having attempted to speak to a representative in person regarding the progress of work, I have had no success in attaining an accurate picture of the improvements made so far.
It may be that various invisible operatives of the building contractor are beavering away as we speak to get the pool ready for its opening date, but we should ensure public funds are being spent as originally intended.
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