Write stuff
• I WAS amused and delighted to read about the calligraphy at Hampstead Tube station.
Do you realise this chap has invented a completely new hand of his own (Due to some earlier technical brilliance, there is a great sign in Hampstead Tube, January 24)?
They should call it Norgrobe. I learned calligraphy while studying bookbinding at the London College of Printing for four years and we had to learn everything from Roundhand to Gothic.
We never came across anything quite like this.
I love the curly bits. What fun he must have and what a huge pleasure for frustrated passengers. I am sure they pay more attention to these beautiful signs than the old slapdash ones.
It is great to read some good news for a change instead of the usual pieces about teenage stabbings and drugs in Camden. Simon Wroe did a brilliant job to bring this pleasant tale to our attention. Let’s have more stories like this.
Dorothy Clark
Leighton Road, NW5