The changing face of Primrose Hill
• I CAME across your website after reading about Rose Hacker.
How good it is to read about the facilities and activities available in the Camden area.
As a family we lived in Primrose Hill, both Regent’s Park Road and Gloucester Avenue for 16 years and witnessed many changes. This was in the 1960s and early 1970s.
We then came to Australia travelling overland in a Bedford “Green Line” bus – an adventure we still talk about.
When I have returned to visit I have seen that the area we lived in has become very elitist even to being named “Primrose Village”.
We find that difficult to take seriously.
At the time of our residency there were many “celebrities” as they are called today, David Bailey, Fay Weldon, Kenneth Cope, Bill Oddie to name a few.
However we all lived alongside each other without any fuss and our children went to Princess Road School – at that time a very progressive primary school with headmistress Mrs Mawson.
It is progress, I know, but sad to see so many of the “service” shops no longer there, the chemist, the cafe in Chalcot Road, the bakers, etc etc.
I suppose different people have different needs.
I have read the book Memories of Primrose Hill.
Have there been any other books written?
Suzanne Phillips
Australia via email