Statin effects
• THAT “statins are spectacularly successful at combating heart disease” (Superdrug death link? January 10) is a grossly misleading statement.
Statins do not lower mortality in women or in healthy individuals with high cholesterol.
Worse is that side effects are under-reported; here are a few examples.
According to the statin trials, all of which are paid and led by the drug company whose drug is on trial, muscular problems are seen in less than 1 per cent.
According to two independent research groups they occur in up to 74 per cent.
Mental side effects are also well known and frequent – and there is much more.
In an article in the June 3 2006 issue of British Medical Journal we (three colleagues and myself) have given many more arguments against statin treatment. See also the homepage of the International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics, www.thincs.org
Dr Uffe Ravnskov
Lund, Sweden