Deep trouble after going to watch the Pond ladies
• SEASON of goodwill to all men?
Not if the good ladies of the Kenwood Ladies Bathing Pond are anything to go by! After being reliably informed by a trusted lifeguard on New Year’s Day that it was fine to visit the “ladies” as was traditional, to watch fellow swimmers of the opposite sex take a dip, I didn’t get more than 50 yards before being rounded up and practicaly frog-marched out of the premises. I and a couple of other brave “males” were indeed lucky to escape with just minor verbal abuse!
Just a week or two before, the women visited the Men’s Pond practicaly every day for almost a week and were always welcomed.
Come on ladies, try to reciprocate now and again in the future with good grace.
On the funny side, a woman in the enclosure was heard to say “There’s a man over there” to which another women responded “It’s all right, it’s being dealt with.”
Enough said.
Prince of Wales Road, NW5