Someone must take the blame for £20k car crush
• On December 20, you reported that Ms Ashu Jihu’s £20,000 BMW was crushed for not paying Camden council £120 arrears of rent on a garage, (£20,000 car destroyed for £120 bill).
I hope that she is aware that she can take the council to court under human rights legislation which requires public bodies (and others) to act proportionately.
Indeed proportionality is a fundamental principle of European law.
We ratepayers did not elect councillors nor pay officers for such crass actions. We should not have to pay compensation. Rather the fool who directly ordered the crushing should have to pay half of the cost. The remainder should be shared between officers up to and including Ms Moira Gibb, the Chief Executive, who runs our too frequently incompetent and unpleasant council (and whose payroll costs us more than £200,000 pa), along with the councillor with cabinet responsibility for this disgrace.
It is only by accountability measured in pounds from their pockets that these people will understand – as opposed to blather about – accountability and responsibility.
Swains Lane, N6