Man is surrounded by gang and beatenb on own doorstep
Victim suffers 'massive internal injuries' after repeated run - ins with street youths
A MAN who was surrounded and beaten by a gang on his own doorstep was still in hospital with massive internal injuries last night (Wednesday), six days after he was attacked.
The 38-year-old victim was punched and kicked on the steps of his basement flat in Chester Road, Highgate, on Thursday, sustaining a lacerated liver, fractured ribs and a collapsed lung.
Three 16-year-olds have been arrested and charged with GBH but police are still investigating reports that up to eight youths were involved in the attack.
Neighbours said on Friday that the victim, a married former mini-cab driver and father of one, had spent months wrangling with the groups of young people who gather on the steps of the Highgate New Town shopping parade, yards from his front door.
One neighbour, who asked not to be named, said: “I have nothing but respect for him ever since he moved in here. I hope to God he’s alright. He has had repeated trouble with these kids who come here every night.”
The victim – who cannot be named for his own protection – was visited in hospital yesterday by his wife. His condition was described as ‘stable’.
Chester Road residents said an atmosphere of abnormal quiet had prevailed since the attack – but none wanted to comment publicly.
Low-level drug dealing and street violence have been associated with the corner where the victim lived.
“Most of the kids that are around here are local and are fine,” said one resident. “But the ones that did this – they probably had their own reasons for what they did but we wouldn’t want them to come back to us,”
Young people near the scene on Friday spoke of groups known as Archway Massive and the Highgate Crew being active in the area, though neither are recognised by the Met police as criminal gangs.
Detectives investigating the case said they could not comment after the suspects were charged but repeated appeals for witnesses to come forward.
Two 16 year-old males, who cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared at Thames Youth Court on Monday charged with GBH with intent. A 16 year-old boy appeared at the same court yesterday (Wednesday), also charged with GBH. |