• I WOULD like to mark the contribution that Brenda Degerdon, who has passed away this week, made to Rhyl Primary and other schools in Camden.
Brenda was one of Camden’s longest serving school governors, and was a one of Camden’s unsung heroes.
By our reckoning she must have been a governor at Rhyl for around 30 years and was also a governor at Acland Burghley and Haverstock. She was a dedicated professional, an architect who used her skills and expertise to enhance our school.
Like a lot of Camden governors she worked quietly and selflessly, providing Rhyl with sound, straightforward advice and sharing her experience widely. Rhyl was close to her heart. Our last memories of her were her delight at the presentation from our school council members and seeing our new garden being opened.
She made a huge contribution.
Chair of Governors
Rhyl Primary School, NW5