To get things right we have to listen to people
• YOUR past two weeks of editorial comment are wide of the mark.
I very much doubt many residents would agree with your stark opinion that the only way to get better services is to pay more tax.
Under our new efficiency programme we saved £17 million last year. We saved more than a million just by getting better deals out of suppliers and cutting paperwork through a new electronic buying system. We’ll save a further £140 per household next year through practical projects such as tightening up contracts and spending less on staff accommodation.
With future government funding looking bleak, our efficient approach will ensure we have the money to make our services as good as possible, without large tax rises.
So far independent inspectors agree that we are maintaining excellent services.
They have just rated our services for adults and children among the best in the country – with adult social care among the top three.
As part of this commitment we’re addressing the desperate need to improve council housing.
Giving residents affected a choice is central to this.
Far from the “quiet” consultation you describe, we’ve made sure everyone knows about it.
This has been done through a range of publicity – from full page adverts in your paper, a personal letter to all homes affected, and a number of face-to-face meetings.
Encouragingly, around seven in ten of those who replied supported our plans to reverse the deteriorating condition of council homes, while the government continues to withhold funds.
To get things right we must listen to residents, and we’re doing just that. At the same time we’re elected to take difficult decisions and often arbitrate between different views to get the best outcome for Camden.
Independent watchdog, the Audit Commission, has found local government to be more efficient than central government. Camden is rated in the top 10 in the country.
Do we get everything right? No. But we are making great strides and will always listen to the people of Camden to do even better.
Leader Camden Council
Members’ arrogance
• ANYONE who attended the meeting of Camden’s ruling Liberal Democrat / Tory coalition executive meeting will know how accurate your editorial was in describing the arrogance of councillors driving forward plans for a new academy in Swiss Cottage.
Parents and children alike from Frank Barnes School and representatives from south of the Euston Road were unanimous in their comments that the proposed new academy with University College London is in the wrong place. The hostile, aggressive and downright rude questions from Councillor John Bryant to parents and representatives of Frank Barnes School was astonishing to watch.
It was absolutely clear that the Lib Dems and Tories had made their mind up to demolish Frank Barnes and merge with a school in Muswell Hill. Yet the assurances given to parents seemed both weak and inappropriate.
I was therefore dismayed to see Councillor Alexis Rowell have the cheek to write a “bleeding heart liberal” letter to the New Journal suggesting that he and his colleagues were now rushing to the rescue of Frank Barnes and intended to have a meeting with the parents. At last week’s council meeting no Liberal Democrat spoke in favour of the school and throughout the debate on its future they have all remained tight lipped.
Cllr Rowell says that he and his colleagues now “want to completely understand the school’s position”. Well, as he well knows he should have listened before the executive made the decision to abolish the school rather than now. His political spin on this issue is insulting to the parents of the school and readers of this paper.
Perhaps if the Liberal Democrats had cared to fill their nominated position on the governing body of Frank Barnes, which has been vacant since May 2006, they would have had some idea of what goes on there.
The New Journal is right to describe the Liberal Democrats as arrogant and that their claim to be a listening council is absurd.
Labour, King’s Cross