Camden New Journal - Letters to the Editor Published: 22 November 2007
Action on library site
• I ATTENDED the demonstration held at Camden Town Hall on Monday November 5 over the sale of public land behind the British Library. I agree with Councillor Roger Robinson (November 8) we need a return to the view that council housing is a social service.
I also agree that there is a desperate shortage of three, four and five-bedroom properties owned by the council to meet the demands of large families, many of whom are living in overcrowded conditions.
The land behind the British Library is owned by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport to which Cllr Robinson had led a deputation months ago.
I was part of that deputation. Our request for new council housing to meet the problems of overcrowding was made clear at that meeting.
We also expressed concern about the lack of affordable youth clubs, and sporting facilities, which for many young people are too expensive and provision has been cut to the bone. They have been sold off.
Our kids hang around the street corners, bored out of their heads and end up being removed by the police and creating problems in someone else’s backyard.
The authorities have been fully aware of the requests made by our young people over the years and yet they appear to show no interest.
Is it any wonder that we experience disorder in our communities?
The authorities seem to be hell-bent on selling off our welfare state and our public services to the highest bidders and showing no concern for those who are affected by such moves.
On Saturday November 24 we will be holding a further demonstration at the British Library and we hope that all residents and tenants, including the children, will turn up as a united community – together we can make a difference for the better of all. ALAN PATTERSON
Chair START Artsline
Chalton Street, NW1
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