Camden New Journal - Letters to the Editor Published: 22 November 2007
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• THERE is currently £200 million available from the government as part of its Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme for secondary schools. We have learned from bitter experience that it is a mistake to hesitate with this government when funds are offered, because it can and does evaporate, as arms-length management organisation funding did.
There are two areas of Camden that need secondary places – the north-west and the south. There is, at present, no available site in the south.
Swiss Cottage is a perfect transport hub for the north-west.
Our cornerstone expenditure under BSF will therefore be on a new secondary school in Swiss Cottage. There is a prerequisite before the Swiss Cottage school can proceed and that is the unfortunate need to relocate the Frank Barnes primary school for profoundly deaf children.
Camden is understandably proud of Frank Barnes and, although only four of its 30 pupils live in the borough of Camden, my Liberal Democrat councillor colleagues and I recognise the moral responsibility that we councillors have to the whole school.
That’s why a group of Liberal Democrat back-bench councillors will visit the school this week to make sure we completely understand the school’s position.
I’d like to assure readers that we are sympathetic to the cause of Frank Barnes, we want to make sure the wishes of Frank Barnes come first, and we are actively seeking a satisfactory outcome. CLLR ALEXIS ROWELL
Liberal Democrat,
Belsize Ward
Send your letters to: The Letters Editor, Camden New Journal, 40 Camden Road, London, NW1 9DR or email to The deadline for letters is midday Tuesday. The editor regrets that anonymous letters cannot be published, although names and addresses can be withheld. Please include a full name, postal address and telephone number. Letters may be edited for reasons of space.