Camden New Journal - Letters to the Editor Published: 22 November 2007
And what if a cat killed a bird?
• WE read with dismay, incredulity and finally amusement the letter Andrea Taylor’s letter (Urban foxes almost killed my cat– it’s time to act, November 8). Animals are not likely to share our human notions of private land.
Some people do not have gardens and the sight of a fox brings them great joy. May we also suggest that the actual events, while distressing, were simply nature in action. The foxes were probably teaching their young to hunt live food. This shows they are not becoming entirely dependent on human food waste as a food source. Foxes are carnivores and they do kill other animals for food not fun (unlike humans). Our experience of foxes is that they actually avoid human contact if possible. Foxes have not suddenly appeared in London and it is doubtful that they are moving in from the countryside en masse.
The London fox population is well established. Cats actually pose a great threat to wildlife themselves. Would Andrea Taylor be moved to write a letter if her cat killed a bird?
She wants to see more “courage” and “care” in our society and we applaud her for this. We, therefore, suggest she “courageously” accepts that wildlife has a right to exist and that we all have a duty of “care” towards it.
Let’s respect animals for what they are and not try to bend them to our will. DAVID WARD
and Manfred Haggan
Rhyll Street, NW5
The Hunt?
Send in the Hunt! SYLVIA MCGINNIS
Grafton Road, NW5
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