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Camden New Journal - Letters to the Editor
Published: 22 November 2007
The Ballroom and what’s acceptable for the area

• I WOULD like to reassure last week’s letter writers that Camden Council has not made a decision to demolish the Electric Ballroom (Ballroom at the heart of battle for soul of the area, November 15).
What we have agreed is a planning brief for Camden Town Underground station to protect the character of the area. This will give small, independent retailers priority over big business and ensure new buildings do not over-dominate.
The brief also sets out a framework for any potential planning applications for the much-needed redevelopment of the Tube station, to make it fit for the many residents and commuters that
use it.
We rejected previous plans from London Underground in 2002 for a Tube revamp which were totally out of character and of poor design. Our new planning framework now sets out what is acceptable for the area. It also makes sure the Electric Ballroom, market and church – all located directly behind the station – can be saved from extinction, even if they can’t stay in exactly the same place or form.
We can’t legally protect specific operators, but we can try to make sure that a similar-sized music venue, church and market continue to exist in Camden Town, if the development needs to displace them.
The secretary of state who decided London Underground’s appeal against our rejection of their scheme made clear he accepted the case for a new station. His decision recognised that this would involve, at the very least, having to move out the buildings next to the station to allow it to be rebuilt.
What we’ve done is make sure we safeguard these important uses as far as possible so that Camden Town keeps what it loves while making way for any new plans for a modernised station.
Executive Member for Environment

Send your letters to: The Letters Editor, Camden New Journal, 40 Camden Road, London, NW1 9DR or email to The deadline for letters is midday Tuesday. The editor regrets that anonymous letters cannot be published, although names and addresses can be withheld. Please include a full name, postal address and telephone number. Letters may be edited for reasons of space.

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