The character and future of Regent’s Park is now at risk
Plans to redevelop a significant part of Regent’s Park are neither necessary nor justified, says Richard Simpson
REGENT’S Park is designated as Metropolitan Open Land, and as such... > more |
If the state of prisons is the judge of a nation, we are failing
A NATION can be judged by the way it treats its prisoners, observed Winston Churchill.
Whether this profound observation crossed the mind of Mr Justice Mackay last week while deliberating on the tragic case of Ryan St George we shall not know... > more
Dog owners are danger to swans - I WAS very sorry to hear about the death of the female swan at Kenwood Lake on October 6. > more
Service cuts are hitting elderly - MORE cuts in essential services hit many people in the borough, most particularly the elderly. They now have to pay for... > more
Beautiful fish should be allowed to live in peace - YOUR articles have driven me to write to you regarding fishing on the Heath (Threat to wildlife and It was at... > more
In fear of means-test - JOHN Gulliver’s article on the old lady who lives in fear of Camden Council and also the letter (Care means-test amounts to a loss... > more
Forum for debate - I DON'T agree with the dispiritingly negative view of your previous correspondent regarding the Camden Area Forums... > more
Many volunteers eager to help in setting up the youth council - WE were very disappointed to read the article (In the dark over youth council... > more
Day centre helps people to survive in wider world - AS readers will know, one of the handful of mental health day centres funded by Camden Council... > more
Fostering was about me wanting to give back - AS the foster carer of a lovely little boy who was placed with me through Camden Council’s fostering... > more
Who uses the park? - COUNCILLOR Nash Ali’s throw-away remark on Regent’s Park, “…the majority of users are tourists” (October 25) is a total nonsense. > more
Wrong on academy - AN open letter to Liberal Democrat councillors. > more
Some properties are no longer viable for affordable rents - I HAVE read with interest the comments from your reader Vivian Murphy (Our people need... > more
Recycling hits problems with overflows - SINCE the council no longer collects recycling bags from the residents of many housing blocks across the borough... > more
Recycling hits problems with overflows - RUBY Betts from Poole and all the Betts family send their kind thoughts and best wishes to Ryan and David... > more
Outstanding issues for Isokon tenants - THANK you for writing your article (The mysterious demise of Isokon, August 30) highlighting the repair... > more
Dogs first? - I APPRECIATE the affection one has for man’s best friend, but surely it is taking matters to the extreme when the ratepayers have to... > more
Class and education - IN the letter (All have the right to a first-class education, October 25) it’s outrageous for P Wagland to classify “working class” as... > more
No 393 ok - IN reference to the survey of the No 393 bus (Letters, October 25), I hear nothing but praise for the route. > more |