The needs of the community should be put first
• I WRITE this as a beleaguered resident of Camden, for the past few years plagued by anti-social behaviour.
Drug dealing and addicts seem to have taken over most of the borough, and more recently, gang “culture”.
Only last night (Sunday October 21), I and my neighbours witnessed a gang of youths (around 25 in all) armed with bottles and other implements in Kentish Town.
The night eventually ended with someone (whom I am led to believe was an innocent bystander) having a bottle smashed over his head.
This sort of behaviour is now commonplace in my neighbourhood; gangs of feral children roam the streets at night, shouting, dealing, fighting, and generally terrorising anyone who has the temerity to question their behaviour.
As a result, a good night’s sleep is now a distant memory.
The question I would like to ask is this: do the parents of these little treasures wonder where their offspring are at three o’clock in the morning?
Why is it that I and my neighbours have to suffer the effects of their non-existent parenting?
We are all fed up of being woken at night, and my daughter feeling she has to change the route she takes to see her friends because she is frightened to navigate the local sink estate.
I can only assume that swigging beer and smoking cigarettes in front of the
X Factor holds far more allure to these “parents” than caring for their children.
The last resort for most of us is phoning the police, but have now given up on them as invariably they never seem to turn up, being far more preoccupied arresting motorists than challenging the gangs that make our lives a misery, and the drug dealers that seem to have taken root in the Haverstock ward.
Considering that the majority of these offenders live in social housing, isn’t it time to question why we allow people who so obviously don’t give a damn and will never give anything back to society a continued raft of benefits, and the subconscious message that it is acceptable to act the way that they do?
If, for instance, social housing was withdrawn from the parents of people who indulge in anti-social behaviour, we might see an improvement in our borough, and free up some much-needed housing for some deserving hardworking families.
But, of course, the powers that be would never be brave enough to put law-abiding citizens first, and no doubt the “human rights” lobby would have a field day.
I hope that the council and the police will take note that we’ve had enough, and will take action; for far too long the lazy, anti-social elements have had the voice, it’s about time the needs of the local community were put first, or is that to much to ask?