HSBC seizes massive stake in a Camden secondary
ONE of the biggest banks in the world has dramatically seized a massive stake in a Camden secondary school from under the noses of teachers and education chiefs at the Town Hall. > more |
‘We’ll fight until the death’
Protesters’ emotional vow to stop sale of British Library land
MORE than 100 protesters vowed a “fight until the death” over the planned government sell-off of land behind the British Library at an emotional meeting last night (Wednesday). > more |
It’s not a taser, it’s a Tizer! Cops unveil their latest weapon to clean up vermin - THEY may have dealt with some of the biggest and baddest crooks out there... > more
New Journal reporter’s abuse exposé honoured at annual Paul Foot award - AN investigation into the council abuses of the elderly by a Camden New... > more
Condemned to die... the patients being refused a life-saving cancer treatment drug - “WE really are being condemned to die.” > more
‘Yellow-jacket’ squad move in on the dealers - CAMDEN Town is to be flooded with police community support officers in the latest bid to drive drug dealers off... > more
On stage, the schoolboy who has another string to his bow - MOST 12-year-olds are more concerned with S Club than Schubert and favour their Pokemon over... > more
130-mile trip to free car in pound - THE owner of a car that was towed away to the pound had to travel 130 miles before parking officers would release his vehicle. > more
The unfulfilled dreams of Salma’s tragic care worker - THE father of the young care worker killed alongside runaway Salma ElSharkawy in a car accident in... > more
Bulldozers wait for Victorian school - AN exclusive private school in the heart of Hampstead has unveiled plans to demolish its Victorian building and rebuild... > more
Boxing clever… the neighbours with nature on their window sill - NEIGHBOURS in Bloomsbury have finished neck and neck in a window box competition. > more
Verdict due in murder case - Verdicts are expected within days at the Old Bailey trial of four young men who deny the “heinous” murder of a defenceless victim... > more
Traders furious at plans to turn market into bar - GALLERY owner Alex Proud has unveiled plans for a glittering new bar in the listed Horse Hospital at the... > more
City workers carve nature reserve out of scrubland - CITY workers are among volunteers who have spent their spare time transforming over grown... > more
Swimmer warns of pool’s lane dangers - THE victim of a horrific accident at Swiss Cottage leisure centre believes swimmers using the pool could be putting... > more
Happy ending for film director as gazebo wins approval - AS neighbourly disputes go, it was hardly on a gladiatorial scale but movie-maker Sir Ridley Scott... > more
Nursery given order to close - A CHARITY that runs a community centre has been accused of abandoning nursery children under its care after it gave their... > more
Homes sell-off for debate - The selling-off of council homes will be discussed in a meeting in Kentish Town on Monday. > more
Pet Shop Boys at fan’s funeral - THE Pet Shop Boys have cancelled a gig in Romania to attend the funeral of an Arsenal fan known for his fanatical support for the team. > more
Were you one of the other Spicers? - SOME pictures from the past are perhaps best forgotten – but for these five young pop fans a Spice Girls skit performed... > more
Build your own school - THOSE lamenting the shortage of schools in Bloomsbury will take matters into their own hands this weekend – by building their own... > more |