‘Misleading’ on right-to-buy and homes for sale
• HOUSING chief Chris Naylor really doesn’t do anyone any favours by trying to pull the wool over people’s eyes by intentionally confusing the Tory-Liberal Democrat policy of home sell-offs with the sales under the right-to-buy over the last decade (Camden homes for sale – four versus 4,000, October 11).
There is no direct comparison between these two policies, one was enabled by legislation and while his is one of policy for the Town Hall he helps to run.
If he wants to conduct a sensible discussion, please can he do so without resorting to misleading statements?
It diminishes debate and makes us take everything else the Town Hall says with a big pinch of salt.
Broadfield Lane
Maiden Lane Estate, NW1
Political move
I HOPE that the New Journal ignores Councillor Chris Naylor’s rather petulant – and not entirely straightforward – contribution (Camden homes for sale – four versus 4,000, October 11), and continues to campaign against the Tory-Liberal Democrat sell-off of Camden’s homes. First, he must be either a little confused or a little desperate to use the figures he has found which is basically a list of the number of tenants buying their flats under the right-to-buy scheme – a far cry from what he is doing, which is taking a political decision to sell properties.
Second, he has yet to justify the executive’s bizarre approach to negotiation with the government, which one can sum up as “give us the money – but don’t worry if you can’t, as we’ll raise it ourselves”.
At a time, when everyone recognises that there is a real shift in government policy towards the fourth option, the Tories and Lib Dems are burying their heads in the sand to pursue what is, in truth, their preference for privatisation.
What a contrast with the Labour locally which, as you have reported, is using opportunities like the party conference to press for a better deal for Camden tenants, without selling off the family silver.
Chair, Hampstead and Kilburn Labour Party
Gladys Road, NW6