Witchhunt claims somewhat fanciful
• I HAVE not had the opportunity to look into the incident regarding Haverstock Citizens Panel, and feel this is a matter for that panel to resolve. I do know it would be unfair to compare that incident with ours (Outspoken citizen watchdog ousted for ‘breaking ranks’, September 27).
We have a robust constitution agreed by 11 citizen panel members, which includes an appended code of conduct and a complaints procedure for panel members. I am led to believe Haverstock does not.
For eight months, this citizens panel has afforded Dr Peter Preston every opportunity within the bounds of its constitution to air his grievances. He has made his “stage one” complaint, which was not upheld. I urged him to appeal to the full panel against this decision but he decided not to take me up on my offer.
Subsequently, contrary to procedure, I have allowed Dr Preston to air his grievances to the full panel, and, having heard him, the panel agreed this had nothing to do with Safer Neighbourhoods Panel business. Having assured the panel a line would be drawn under all this, he resurrected his grievance against a panel member.
Dr Preston has dogmatically refused to understand the concept of a plumber refusing to rewire a house. There is no difference between that analogy and a team of three Safer Neighbourhoods police officers taking on the role of the CID for the ward, thereby diverting the Safer Neighbourhoods team focus away from the panel’s set priorities. Therefore, the notion that this is a conspiracy to do with “gagging” or “ousting” a fellow member, or a witchhunt against Dr Preston, is somewhat fanciful.
When a panel of 11 citizens keeps on saying for almost a year that one is wrong, then what are the options left? As chairman, I will not allow anyone to cause disillusionment among members, ultimately causing them to leave the panel.
Meric Apak
Chairman, Cantelowes Safer Neighbourhoods Panel
• I WAS intrigued to read that police denied Beverly Gardner’s claim that she was axed for highlighting youth disorder on the Denton estate in Kentish Town. Why was she, in fact, axed?
Ms Gardner was totally justified in going “up the tree of command to get results” when our Safer Neighbourhoods team failed to address local concerns and then, when nothing changed, to go to the press to expose this dire situation (Thin blue lines are blurred in our unsafe neighbourhoods, September 20).
The police seem to have forgotten that they are paid by the public to serve the public.
Surely, what we need now is an inquiry to assess whether the police had reasonable cause or even a legal right to dismiss or discipline officers of the Safer Neighbourhoods Citizen Panel and whether Safer Neighbourhoods is good value for money.
John Kilgallon
Camden Road, NW1
• I AM grateful to Beverly Gardner for speaking out on behalf of the beleaguered residents in our area of Haverstock ward.
One might think that, with all the publicity that anti-social behaviour at Malden Road and surrounding area has elicited, the police might realise there is a persistent problem which needs their immediate attention. But, no.
I live in the area and am constantly kept awake at night by dozens of rowdy youths shouting, screaming and larking about outside my home. They play football against the wall of our building at midnight, waking everyone up.
Life is intolerable. It is impossible to get a good night’s rest.
Calling the police is no use. The youths run away when they see the police. Those who have called 999 are then kept up until the middle of the night by police who take statements, but never follow up. What will it take for police to take action to solve this problem?
NW5 (Name and address supplied)