Speak out to prevent changes to bus route
• LONDON buses are intent on extending the existing 393 bus route from Holloway to Morrisons at Chalk Farm.
Part of the route is both ways along the full length of Leighton Road. We have worked hard over the years to reduce both the speed and volume of the traffic on our road. In spite of our successes at getting a 7.5 tonne lorry ban, speed cushions, traffic islands and a 20mph speed limit, all this counts for nothing against the powers of Transport for London to impose a bus route which will mean removal of most of them.
Leighton Road is a relatively narrow residential street. The buses will take the whole width of the traffic lane each way.
Other vehicles will not be able to pass and there will be no space for cyclists using cycle lanes.
Existing tailbacks at the Kentish Town Road junction will get much worse, as will the resultant pollution.
The pavements are narrow too, with no obvious places for bus stops.
At the west end of the road the houses are just a few feet from the carriageway. Passengers in the bus will be eyeballing residents, a real loss of privacy.
London buses seem reluctant to think about alternative routes using roads which are bus routes already, or perhaps wider and less used back streets.
They have now sent out leaflets to residents along the new route. We would ask everybody who has received one of these to use the tear-off slip to respond.
You can also write, email, phone, texted or go online. The leaflet has the details.
Leighton Road Neighbourhood Association
Leighton Road, NW5