Can councillor promise we won’t lose our park?
• COUNCILLOR Flick Rea wrote last week that she will review provision for gymnastic classes for children (I’ll review children’s gym system, Dec 14).
Why not use the facilities at some schools such as Haverstock? These are unused out of school hours and the environment is child friendly.
The front page splash (The great sell out, Dec 14) about council housing is a major topic and 2007 will see battle joined in defence of retaining it within public control.
The present ruling group might ponder this: discontent with lack of proper maintenance by tenants resulted last May in Labour losing control at the Town Hall.
Councillors are rightly concerned that people should live in good buildings, indeed has a duty to provide such.
Government has decided all homes must be up to standard by 2010 yet refuses to pass on the £300 millions set aside for Camden – because tenants voted against the transfer of municipal housing to any other provider. Those funds must be released.
This is a borough of contrasts – witness the new ‘luxury’ block build on former council land at Adelaide Road, alongside the tower blocks on the adjoining housing estate. It shows what can be done when funds are provided.
Prince of Wales Road, NW1
• COUNCIllOR Flick Rea writes reassuringly about the access to the Talacre Sports Centre being guaranteed so that the Dalby Street development won’t block any of its activity (I’ll review children’s gym system, Dec 14).
However, would she also guarantee that the peace, quiet and full amenity at Talacre Gardens also be preserved or are we to lose our park to help a developer get a cheap solution to his faulty scheme?
Both facilities are equally worth preserving.
Prince of Wales Road, NW5