Why is it people who care that lose jobs?
• LAST week I read your article about slashing jobs in some department. How comes it’s always the people who care about the council and community who are always at the front when it comes to job cuts? (Protesters say ‘No’ to cuts, Dec 14).
It’s about time someone in the Town Hall looked at what goes on inside their own four walls. In the last two years there has been allegation of taxpayer’s money being stolen and more money being spent on parties.
They should also look at people who are overpayed and under achieving. Some of them don’t even care about the council or the community they work for.
All they want to do is stir up trouble and stab some of their colleagues in the back, just to get another wrung up the ladder and bigger pay packet. Can’t someone in the Town Hall do what they do with the rest of the rubbish?
Put it out for the binmen and dispose of it in the usual way at the rubbish tip.
J Hall
Denning Road, NW3
q I was surprised to see you write so sympathetically of union reaction to proposed job cuts at Camden Council.
For years now the council has been bloated with excess personnel while basic service levels have fallen. This action is well overdue but we had to wait until the old Labour regime was voted out for some positive action.
The old administration managed to combine the worst of Old Labour dogma and New Labour sycophancy in the face of business and property developer interests.
I’m pleased to see the new Lib-Dem-led administration is addressing the failures of the past.
(Name and address supplied)
• AT last, a council administration that actually does what is says it’ll do.
One of the key reasons for my voting Lib Dem in May was their pledge to freeze the council tax.
Year upon year I’ve seen my bill go up with no noticeable increase in the level of service, or types of services on offer.
In fact in many respects I came to view the council as uncaring and unresponsive to my needs.
As an older resident of Camden living off my pension, I have to be very careful with my money.
With this in mind the ever-rising Council Tax proved an extra annual burden. I find it especially interesting that the new Lib Dem council can meet its manifesto pledges while also keeping our tax frozen.
It doesn’t say much for the recently ousted Labour regime does it?
(Name and address supplied)
• I READ with total disgust and trepidation in the CNJ, about the proposed cuts to staffing levels in housing and social services departments and agency staff.
Firstly, dare I suggest that Camden should cut out the use of consultants at a cost of £3,000 per day.
It would be more cost effective if they use their own staff who know Camden and its residents, and what they want.
I’m sure that they have capable senior officers who can carry out the job that these consultants are doing a lot cheaper.
Secondly, it appears to me that though Camden have said No to privatisation, Almo, or stock transfer, it is my belief that the residents will once again rebel on this option, (selling off large estates in the borough to housing associations at knockdown prices).
It shows the inability of our executive member for housing to be effective in tackling central government on direct investment in our housing stock, and to impress upon them that Camden tenants won’t accept anything else but direct investment in their council homes.
Oakley Square, NW1
• HOW stupid do the unions think the residents of Camden are? All the unions are interested in is their member’s jobs.
We know it, they know it and you at the CNJ know it.
For years now the council has clearly been bloated with excess personnel while basic service levels have fallen. This action is well overdue but residents of Camden had to wait until the old Labour regime was voted out for some positive action.
Well done to the new Lib-Dem led administration for putting the people of Camden before old Labour dogma.
Councillor Anna Stewart was the resources executive in the previous Labour administration.
Of all the old executive members, she should know that Camden needed to trim its staffing levels but we’d never see a Labour member do something useful when they could just spend a little more of our cash instead.
Thank god her wasteful days are behind us now.
(Name and address supplied)