Residents victorious in crane battle
AN angry delegation of residents have won their fight to stop a crane being erected in their back garden, after confronting Camden’s housing boss on Monday.
More than 20 people from Wellesley House in Euston turned up at Monday’s full council meeting to hand in a petition signed by every flat bar four to Councillor Chris Naylor, calling for Ardmore Construction plans to be binned.
Security guards tried to stop the New Journal taking photographs of the demonstrators in the Town Hall. Ardmore wanted to install a crane in the back garden and use the area to store trucks and equipment. It would have meant the removal of security gates residents had spent 10 years campaigning for, to keep prostitutes and drug-dealers away.
Plans to install the crane were branded an “insult added to injury” after Wellesley House residents lost their fight last year to prevent a 151-room hotel being built at the back of their garden.
Tenants Association Chairman Derek Nesbitt said: “With the deepest reluctance I’ve had to accept that this [development] is going ahead – but [the crane] is adding insult to injury.”
But a day after residents rounded on Cllr Naylor outside the council chamber in the Town Hall, Ardmore had their request torn up by Camden.
Lib Dem Cllr Naylor said: “Planning rules make it very hard to object when there’s a reasonable proposal. What we’re talking about a crane in your garden and that’s different.” |