Barney’s partner Kelly Ivory (centre) with her two children Bethany and Bailey, her mother Julia (right) and youngsters from Castlehaven youth club |
Youth centre’s 24-hour marathon raises a smile for bereaved family
YOUNGSTERS who stayed up all night in a bid to raise money for the family of a man electrocuted at work handed over a cheque last week.
Father-of two Ralph Kennedy – known as Barney – died after touching a light fitting on the Mayford estate in Somers Town in September.
His partner, Kelly Ivory, and their two children Bailey, 4, and Bethany, 2, visited the Castlehaven youth club in Camden Town on Thursday to say thank you. Tasks set for teenagers who took part in the Big Brother-themed evening included having to immerse their hands in a box of maggots, while the boys had to wear dresses.
The 24-hour fundraiser was organised by a cousin of Ms Ivory’s who attends Castlehaven. “She was quite close to Barney,” said Ms Ivory, who was treated to a viewing of the diary confessions when she dropped in to the Castlehaven Road club. She added: “It’s really nice. I want to thank them. I first heard they were planning something just after Barney died.
He would’ve loved it – he was that kind of person, anything for a laugh. Would he have worn a dress? Probably.”
She plans to spend the cash on Christmas presents for their children. Julia Ivory, Ms Ivory’s mother, who was involved in setting up the event, said: “The kids I interviewed were great characters – they were really confident. And they made me laugh. We did warn them: ‘are you up for a challenge?’”
Centre manager Frances Shank also handed out certificates for the best-looking (male) female, the best onion-eater, the best laugh and the loudest scream.