Help our Hamper Fund
EVERYONE wants your money at Christmas. Whether you are straining every credit card to buy the gift to make your child’s face light up, or finding the pounds slipping away at parties with co-workers or the family, Christmas can seem too long, and the next bit of income too far away.
“It’s not about the money. It’s Christmas,” we all say, and worry about it come January.
But the memory of a lonely or a joyless Christmas will never be repaired. Because of that, and because only a little of your money could make a big difference to a neighbour that you may have never met, the New Journal is asking you to donate whatever you can afford to our Christmas Hamper appeal.
For those whose circumstances have conspired to make Christmas more difficult or more lonely than it should be, a handful of treats – and the knowledge that a New Journal reader has spared them a thought in the middle of their own affairs – could make the difference between a day to remember and one dreaded and quickly forgotten.
A hamper shows the recipient that they haven’t been forgotten, that their needs have not been overlooked amidst the scattered wrapping paper and the broken crackers of Christmas day- that there is such a thing as the Christmas spirit.
No-one thinks it is easy to give when there are so many other pressures on your money. But that makes it all the more special. We need your help.
Please send contributions to Camden Journal Hamper Fund, 40 Camden Road, Camden Town NW1 9DR. |