What a crazy world
• IT is incredible that a man who bullied tenants out of their council flats and in some cases stole their benefits is only dealt with by an anti-social behaviour order (Bullying drug addict banned from estate, Nov 30).
That he turned the place into a "crack house" makes his offences more dreadful. He should have been charged under criminal law and sentenced.
Camden Council is responsible for managing publicly owned housing and needs to review the way its Housing Department is run. Situations such as reported must never be allowed to develop but should be dealt with immediately. A first step would be to appoint a resident senior caretaker on all estates with necessary assistants - such a person would get to know their patch and would alert the district office immediately [if] tenants are affected by anti-social activity.
This is unheard of in the privately managed sector so what standards apply there should also motivate Camden's housing managers. Harassment of tenants is unacceptable.
Akenside Road, NW3