Patient puts Free chief under fire
ROYAL Free chief Andrew Way was accused of putting a spin on the provision of crucial hospital services in a heated exchange with a patient at a public meeting on Wednesday.
Mr Way, guest speaker at the annual meeting of the South End Green Association (SEGA) in Heath library, was confronted by patient Les Scales regarding the number of MRI scanning machines in use at the hospital.
Mr Scales, who has a condition causing the growth of benign tumours in his nervous system, has been having regular scans at the Royal Free for seven years.
He claims that staff manning the recently expanded unit told him in June that they were unable to employ enough people to run all three machines because of a lack of funds.
In a letter responding to Mr Scales’ concerns Mr Way wrote: “I am pleased to confirm that all three MRI machines have now been installed and commissioned. All three machines are being used. The staffing for radiographic staff is complete.”
Quizzed by Mr Scales at the meeting, Mr Way said: “Two of the scanners are working normal hours and one of them is working part time hours. The plan is to open the third one fully and to extend the hours next year. “The funding is there for it – the problem we’ve got for it is the recruitment of radiographers to work extra hours.” |