Fine dodger’s lorry seized
A RECKLESS motorist who has racked up almost £60,000 in unpaid parking fines has had their lorry seized in Queen’s Crescent.
The green Iveco heavy-goods vehicle will be sold at auction so the council can claw back some of the money owed to its parking department.
Parking officials are still trying to track down its owner who has also been driving two more heavy-duty vehicles, one yellow, registration R505 ODC, and another yellow and red, registration M354 GVK.
All three lorries were fraudulently registered to a man in Kilburn.
The driver is Camden’s most prolific fine evader having accumulated 384 unpaid penalty charge notices (PCNs).
Environment chief Councillor Mike Greene, said: “Camden Council is working hard to get these dangerous vehicles off the streets, as in many cases they have a connection to other crimes including driving without insurance or road tax and displaying fake or stolen blue badges. We will be tough on the minority of worst offenders who think they are above the rules to recover the unpaid fines.”
Traffic wardens have been equipped with handheld computers to track down the most persistent offenders.