Police station is still under threat
• MONTHS after we began alerting people to the potential threat to Kentish Town’s police station, it’s sad to see Labour are still dismissive of the issue.
Labour hack Hilary Paterson, writing in your paper last week (Lib Dems are poor in power, Nov 16), suggests that talk of the station closing is just scaremongering.
She seems very complacent about the real possibility of losing our local police station.
To reiterate, the Metropolitan Police have an estates strategy for Camden that will lead to station closures. In response to a Lib Dem question, they revealed that Kentish Town and Hampstead were on the list of endangered sites.
Amid all their tough talk on crime, Labour are surprisingly complacent when a genuine local issue arises.
I believe people have greater confidence in the police when they have a visible presence in each community rather than one central centre and I will continue to seek assurances from the police about our local station.
Fortess Road, NW5