Station closure chief’s idea
• YOUR letters page has flagged up the closure of the Kentish Town Police Station in Holmes Road.
Can we be very clear about who brought up the issue of station closures – it was the Police Borough Commander Mark Heath.
In answer to a question to him at the public meeting of the Consultative Group, Mr Heath said that there were plans that might lead to the closure of Hampstead Police Station.
This was followed last October with a Freedom of Information request to the Metropolitan Police Authority.
It was the reply to this request that revealed Kentish Town Police Station is also marked for closure.
The Met are going to be putting forward an estates strategy for Camden that will lead to station closures, which will be replaced with a central warehouse function.
For my part I am opposed to the closure of local police stations – the merits of a new custody suite is unchallenged, but the case for a single unit command centre has not been made.
So the fact remains – at the confession of the police – the closure of Kentish Town Station remains on the agenda.
Christchurch Hill, NW3