
Cup winners with the Mayor Jill Fraser in the garden of Burgh House |
Gongs for garden drought-beaters
GARDENERS were rewarded for their efforts at Hampstead Horticultural Society’s annual prizegiving show in Burgh House on Sunday.
Mayor of Camden Jill Fraser handed out more than 45 gongs to society members, including prizes for best horticultural, domestic and floral displays.
The afternoon event included a lecture by Mediterranean gardening expert Iain Pentney, who passed on tips on how to keep gardens full of colour during a watering ban.
Society chairwoman Margaret Scanlon said: “With the climate change we are encountering, we have to re-think what we are growing in our gardens. “We are now looking towards plants we can plant without having to worry about watering them and which can survive long, dry, hot summers.”
Pictured: clockwise from top left, Diane Berger with her trophy for best medium back garden; Hanni Blaskey, 5, shows off her first-prize certificates; cup winners with Camden Mayor Jill Fraser in the garden of Burgh House; and Carole Landau with the cup for best small back garden. |