Recycling sorting now done at depot
• I’M sorry to hear that one of our many dedicated recyclers, D Chambers (Why do we bother sorting rubbish?, Oct 12), was misinformed about recycling.
The reason that the collectors now throw all recyclables in together is that since plastic bottles and card were introduced to the kerbside service, we have been collecting recyclables using a ‘co-mingled’ method.
This means that the items are now separated at the depot using the latest technology, rather than by our staff on the street, so a greater range and volume of materials can be recycled. Recycling is one of the most important things we can all do to reduce the amount of waste we create, so I hope this dispels any confusion about how the service works.
Residents can recycle paper (newspapers, magazines, junk mail, yellow pages and phone directories); all types of cardboard; food, drink, aerosol cans; glass bottles and jars (clear, green, brown) and now plastic bottles in their green box or bag.
Recycling rubbish using the kerbside collection service is one simple way in which we can all make a real difference to the environment so I urge everyone to continue.
Remind your kids too: it’s a lesson they will take with them for life.
You can find out more information about Camden Council’s wide range of recycling services including estate recycling schemes, on-street recycling points and the Regis Road Recycling Centre at www.camden.gov.uk/
recycling or by contacting our Recycling team on 020 7974 6914/5.
Cllr Mike Greene
Executive Member for Environment
Camden Council