Community centre plans its own pool
End in sight to six-year wrangle
A new public swimming pool is planned for Fitzrovia as part of a deal that gives a community centre a permanent home.
University College Hospital has agreed in principle to hand over to the Fitzrovia Community Centre the indoor pool, which is currently shut, in a courtyard of Sir John Astor House in Cleveland Street.
As part of the planning deal UCH struck with Camden Council over its new hospital in Euston Road, it had to provide the centre with new premises. After a six-year wrangle over a suitable site, the centre has been offered space on the ground floor and basement of the Cleveland Street building, which previously housed hospital offices and, on higher floors, provides accommodation for nurses.
The centre’s directors are putting together a business plan to buy extra space in the building, including the mothballed staff swimming pool, about 20 metres in length and three metres deep, which it hopes to open to the public.
Sandra Edwards, from the centre, said: “There is still a lot of work to be done but we are optimistic we can set up a new community centre and have a swimming pool as well.”
She said there was a feeling of relief that the centre, currently based in Tottenham Street, was finally to get a new base.
The staff pool closed in 2000 when UCH decided it was not economically viable. The hospital has another pool at a staff leisure centre in nearby Gower Street.
But Town Hall leisure chief Lib Dem councillor Flick Rea warned: “Having a new pool is a lovely idea but there is no cash to help from the leisure budget for some years to come. “It takes a lot of money to refurbish a swimming pool, and maintain it. It may be an idea to go into partnership with a health club to help with costs. Otherwise, there are some big, big question marks hanging over this.”