We are listening over Dalby St
• I HAVE read all of the letters in your paper in the last few weeks regarding the proposed closure and ‘stopping up’ of Dalby Street. It is clear that this proposal has generated a lot of strong feelings and I have asked officers to look at all of the issues raised in detail.
There is still a lot of work to be done and further information is required from the developer, Trac Properties.
Key issues include how centre users access the popular Talacre sports centre, and how this and the new development will be serviced. Only when we are convinced that all of these issues have been addressed will a decision be made.
Under the legislation a legal test must be met before the council can approve the stopping up. This test is mainly concerned with highways issues, this is because planning matters were dealt with at the planning application stage.
All relevant objections will be sent to the Greater London Authority (GLA) who will then decide whether a Public Inquiry is required. Once we have a response from the GLA, Camden will decide whether to stop up the road at the Executive (Environment) Sub-Group. I chair this meeting and three other members of the Executive sit on this group.
I can assure your readers that we have not made a decision on the closure and stopping up as yet, and we will not do so until we have listened to and considered all of the relevant objections.
Executive Member for Environment
Camden Council