Fountain will soon be back in full flow
WATER could soon be flowing from a historic fountain in the heart of South End Green in Hampstead, the Town Hall revealed this week.
The newly-refurbished fountain was re-opened in July by Camden Mayor Jill Fraser after a £100,000 restoration, but without flowing water.
The South End Green Association (SEGA) accused rival community group Save our Green (SOG) of rushing ahead with the reopening celebrations instead of waiting for the fountain to be fully restored.
But this week both groups welcomed the news that Town Hall environment chiefs had finally agreed to make the fountain flow again, although there was disagreement on who was responsible for making it happen.
SEGA chairwoman Pam Gilby said it was “constant nagging” from her group which finally provoked the Town Hall to act. She added: “It was regrettable that the Green was re-opened without the fountain completed but the fact it will be working again is very welcome.”
But a SOG newsletter claimed its suggestion that £13,000 earmarked by the council for re-siting red phone boxes should go towards the fountain instead had done the trick. SOG chairwoman Maureen Clark-Darby said: “We are delighted our village will have a lovely Victorian fountain working again.”
A pumping mechanism is to be installed and the water supply re-connected. The council will provide a new granite and bronze bowl similar in character to the original one, which mysteriously disappeared a few years ago. The new fountain could be working again in the New Year.
Town Hall environment chief Tory councillor Mike Greene said: “I am delighted we are going to be able to get the fountain back in working order.” |