Mixed up over policies
• IT seems that policy announcements from the Tory/Lib Dem coalition in the Town Hall are a bit like buses – nothing for ages, then three turn up at the same time!
Obviously, as paragons of transparency and consultation, neither the Lib Dems nor the Tories would dream of making so many huge announcements for Camden at the same time intentionally, so that local people and the CNJ are buried under a welter of information. But it does go to show the confused priorities of this hotch-potch administration. On the one hand, they’re planning redundancies for frontline staff (many of whom are probably Camden residents too) in order to save £7.5 million on employees who deliver our public services. On the other hand, they’re happy to spend an extra £9m simply to get a training pool at Kentish Town Baths.
And look at the school proposals. On the one hand, they want to have a wide debate on the future of education in the Borough, on the other hand Cllr Mennear tells us that they’ve already decided on where a new school should be.
Don’t misunderstand – I welcome any proposal for new secondary school places. But these plans are devoid of any real educational vision for Camden’s kids.
There is little analysis of what Camden needs over the next generation and even less evidence to back up why these proposals are considered the best answer for our kids. Given Camden’s innovative record on education they should have come up with a better plan.
Chairman Hampstead and Kilburn Labour Party
Doulton Mews ,NW6 |