Protests to ‘Save Stables Market’
LANDLORDS and musicians are coming out in force tonight (Thursday) in support of campaigners against £12 million plans to redevelop Camden Town’s Stables Market.
DJs and bands will prepare for Save Our Stables Night Out as the plans go before councillors at the Town Hall this evening (Thursday).
Organised by Mariana Salgueiro of Bugbear Promotions, the SOS Night Out will feature events and promotions in The Dublin Castle in Parkway and Bar Vinyl, The Good Mixer, Made in Brazil and Zen Sai in Inverness Street.
Planners could have a battle on their hands after giving the nod to the redevelopment ahead of tonight’s hearing.
Council officers say the plans should be given the go-ahead subject to conditions.
But stallholders, residents and conservation groups are gearing up to ‘Save Stables Market’ from the changes, which they claim will be “commercial and cultural suicide”.
Millionaire market owner Richard Caring hopes to transform the site with a glass four-storey building, and cut back parts of the old railway arches to make way for new buildings.
Backed by a growing support through the campaign website, objectors are planning a noisy protest outside Camden Town Hall before the meeting.
More than 3,500 names gathered on three petitions have been submitted to planners, as have objections from Camden Town Conservation Area Advisory Committee and Regent’s Canal Conservation Area Advisory Committee.
Of 48 consultation letters sent out to neighbours, 50 objections were received.
Steve Lucas, of Regent’s Canal CAAC said: “The law says they should preserve or enhance the character of the market, and they have so gone the other way.”
Martin Morton, chairman of Camden Civic Society said his organisation feared for the future of small traders, who could face a hike in rents saying: “They are going to spend £12 million on it, how are they going to get back the money?”
He added: “There’s a shade too much glass and steel, which may dwarf some of the brick work. Some say Camden Town is already full of people. This will make it worse.”