We have engaged tenants in constructive debate
• CENTRAL and Cecil is consulting affected tenants on proposals to develop Extra Care facilities at Carole House, part of the Oldfield Estate sheltered housing scheme in Camden. This concludes on the September 27 (War hero’s plea to live out his days in comfort, Sept 21).
If the project does go ahead, the tenants of Carole House would need to be re-housed by Central and Cecil. However, we already expect to have 18 empty flats on the estate soon and as it is still over 12 months before the work would need to begin there will be more.
We hope only a minority of tenants would need to move away temporarily to our other sheltered housing schemes in Camden and of course there will be some tenants at Oldfield who will need the extra care service at Carole House.
Some of the tenants at Carole House have suggested an alternative proposal. This involves providing an Extra Care service at Oldfield on an incremental basis, as flats become empty.
We have incorporated elements of their design into our plans. However, the capital funding for this approach would not be available on such an ad hoc basis and there would be too much uncertainty over the revenue funding to provide care and support staff, for it to be viable.
Central and Cecil had tried hard to engage tenants in this debate in a constructive and supportive way. However, we know that the process has not gone as well as was intended and we are very sorry that this has caused out tenants anxiety and stress.
Chief Executive
Central and Cecil
Waterloo Road
SE1 |