We were all upset by tragic accident
• I’M shocked that you chose to publish selected notes from a phone conversation with me as part of your article about the tragic death of Mr Kennedy, when really at such a time our thoughts must be with the bereaved (Cop probe into fatal shock, September 21).
You failed to report what I said about how upset staff in the council’s housing department are, giving a false impression of us as a council that doesn’t care.
You gave a misleading and inaccurate impression of me as evasive and unhelpful, when in fact, as your readers will know, it would have been wrong for me to comment more at that stage.
Indeed, I went out of my way to give you a full response and to seek clarification on whether I could respond further.
However, when tragic accidents such as this happen there is always a police and Health and Safety Executive inquiry where the full facts are investigated.
Until these investigations have finished, and been reported on, it is irresponsible for anyone to speculate about the causes as that could clearly prejudice the inquiry.
Naturally, I was notified immediately about the accident and have visited the site. I have also questioned officers about the circumstances surrounding the tragedy.
We will act immediately to address any lessons learned, once we have a clear explanation of what happened.
We owe it to Mr Kennedy and the bereaved, and to everyone in Camden, to promise this.
In the immediate days after such an accident our thoughts and sympathies should rightly be with Mr Kennedy’s family and friends. The answers as to why this happened will come later when the facts have been established.
I am shocked your paper chose to use this tragic accident to score political points in an insensitive departure from your usual high journalistic standards.
Executive Member for Housing