UCL must not abandon its students to fund an academy
As University College London gears up to sponsor a city academy in Swiss Cottage, current student Alexandra King warns that the project could have an adverse effect on the already cash-strapped campus
MOST UCL students will probably be indifferent to the news that their... > more |
Cutting staff is easy – especially when you don’t have to deal with the fallout
AS the saying goes, ‘If it ain’t broke, why fix it?’
That question should find a home among the councillors on the Lib-Dem-Tory cabinet who have busied themselves in recent months pondering over economies to the nationally recognised Careline system. > more
Road is too narrow for the 393 bus - BRIAN Fowler, like many others, has been misled by Transport for London (I like the 393, August 23). > more
Afghan hound to meet a greyhound - ON June 14 you published my letter complaining that people were loath to part with their money while I was collecting... > more
Thanks to top station - MY thanks to Euston station staff. On August 17 I had to go to the station to meet my sister-in-law from Watford, but got there too early... > more
Business as usual at market - SET against a rich canalside heritage, Camden has long provided an eclectic and fascinating cultural experience for shopper... > more
Box clever? - WHY don’t you add a small sudoku section in your journal? It is extremely helpful for elderly people. It will keep them alert and occupied... > more
A buzzer won’t bring me back to land of the living - THERE is an old saying: “If you don’t like the plums, why do you shake my plum tree?” > more
Important questions over these diaries - HAVING read the New Journal’s reports of the latest developments in the Salma ElSharkawy case, I am puzzled. > more
Who is responsible for health service debt? - THE report that the Royal Free has £4.5 million of outstanding debt from private and overseas patients (Millions... > more
Model will mean high anxiety - THE new mental health day service model for Camden I believe is detrimental to the stability of users. > more
Talks with culture department are continuing - I WROTE to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport a few weeks ago, seeking a meeting with... > more
Joining up the policy on homes - THE New Journal deserves the congratulations of all Camden citizens for its campaigning journalism on Brill Place... > more
Let council build new housing - FURTHER to your coverage of the Brill Place development, I am calling for the Labour government to change... > more
Recycling centre is unfriendly - I COMPLETLY echo the sentiments expressed by Tom Young (Letters, August 23) regarding the misguided remodelling... > more
No one to help me - I AGREE with Tom Young that Camden’s reorganised Regis Road recycling centre is user-unfriendly. Indeed quite threatening... > more
Hitting the vulnerable - CONGRATULATIONS to both Ray Adamson and the New Journal for successfully securing a reprieve from Camden Council for extra... > more
Swimming baths are important - MY family, including our two children, campaigned really hard to save the Kentish Town swimming baths. These are... > more
Swimming baths are important - COUNCILLOR Philip Thompson has used the pages of this paper many times to defend the Lib Dems and the Tories for their... > more
Pool fight must go on - COUNCILLOR Philip Thompson campaigned tirelessly to save the Kentish Town swimming baths and must have our gratitude... > more
Safe and enjoyable summer for young people - IT was beyond silly for Natalie Bennett (Letters, August 23) to suggest any sort of connection between... > more |