Let’s keep this land public
Alan Spence argues that the area behind the British Library should be kept out of the hands of property developers
THE rich live longer than the poor in Camden. Would preventing the sale of public land behind the British Library, and instead building an ambitious sports centre... > more |
Site by the British Library must not be given up to more private housing
WHAT will be the future of the large plot of land behind the British Library in Euston, one of the biggest brownfield sites left in Camden?
Unless the voice of the public is heard and heeded, it will be meekly handed over to private developers. And the possible result? Towering blocks... > more
Stop and search for what? - ACCORDING to the Camden police Chief Supt, we must expect to be stopped and searched in an anti-terrorism drive. > more
Thank you from Margaret Little’s family - I WRITE on behalf of Margaret Little’s family to thank you for the sympathetic and friendly reports of her recent... > more
Flats consultation raises questions - FURTHER to my letter of July 26 and the your story (Flats ‘mean the end of sunsets’, August 2), I wish to raise... > more
Wrong time, wrong place for so-called super school - I HAVE read some of the correspondence regarding the proposed – although it appears... > more
Park a little closer to the kerb, please - I WAS waiting for a 253 bus in Camden High Street on July 31. > more
Trial no 393 - FURTHER to your article (Mayor Ken steps into bus dispute, July 26) we would like to emphasise how important it is to use the... > more
Poets and a cultural dream - MY name is Anne Forest, a distant relative on my father’s side of one of the poets who lived at 8 Royal College Street, the only... > more
Peace call - AN open letter to Frank Dobson MP:The government’s announcement on the last day of parliament of the building of two new... > more
Tribute to rag-and-bone man is widely appreciated - IT was very good to turn the page on Thursday and see a totter’s cart filled with flowers (Final farewell... > more
Stables Market site is a precious piece of history - I AGREE wholeheartedly with Graham Coxon’s judgment (Mediocre, hideous… August 2) about... > more
Estate flaws known from start - YOUR report (Bungling contracts double estate’s bill, August 2) is one of two recently about the Whittington estate. > more
Work with existing budget - CAMDEN complains incessantly that it is short of money. Three stories in the New Journal (August 2) show one of the... > more
Swimmers seem to be unanimous - I AM a regular swimmer. Until the Kentish Town baths were closed, I used the facilities almost every day... > more
Swimmers seem to be unanimous - I AM a regular swimmer. Until the Kentish Town baths were closed, I used the facilities almost every day... > more
U-turn now - HAVING read about the lack of modesty at the refurbishment of the Kentish Town baths, I wonder whether Camden are actually intent... > more
Shallow politics can be the springboard to a fiasco - CONCERNING Dan Carrier’s article (Heat could win back swimmers who have gone cold on the... > more
Taxing bill - HAVING moved recently from a small bedsit to a self-contained council flat (not much bigger than the bedsit), I find that I have moved... > more
Fear over university qualification - YOUR letters pages rightly express the wide concern about the preferential treatment given to University College... > more
Extensions can lead to power failures - I AGREE with the Heath and Hampstead Society’s urging Camden to set guidelines for basement... > more |