We’re striking to save your postal services
Jim Kirwan, branch secretary of the CWU, explains the reasons behind this Friday’s withdrawal of labour by postal workers
POSTAL workers throughout the whole of the UK are set to stage a second.... > more
In Dalby Street, Mayor Ken has finally done the right thing
SOMEONE, somewhere, will listen if you cry foul long and loud enough!
Cynical amenity and political campaigners may disagree. But that’s the lesson that may be drawn by neighbours in the Dalby Street, Kentish Town area. > more
What is an election without a promise? - HAVERSTOCK hustings took place in a church hall and, necessarily, there was a collection. > more
Children are still welcome at Oasis swimming pool - I WAS extremely concerned to read of Bridget Giles’ experiences at Oasis leisure centre last week... > more
Our long wait for post office -
JAMES Taylor’s letter suggests that he has only recently become aware of the long-running battle to reopen our post office... > more
Danger of playing into hands of fanatics - WE are told the new Labour government is changing the language about the deplorable, criminal bomb plots... > more
Without passes, each journey is an ordeal - AS a very new recipient of a Freedom Pass I wish to enter the debate. As a very long-term resident of this lovely... > more
Smoking and democracy - MAY I reassure Margaret King (At last a life without smoke, July 5) that I have always been a considerate smoker... > more
Law centre secured - WE are extremely pleased that the council has agreed a near standstill grant for the current financial year and has agreed... > more
Broken boiler, broken promises - RESIDENTS in Kiln Place in Gospel Oak were promised a new heating system if they voted conservative... > more
Copy America? No thanks! -
I HAD to scream ‘No!’ when I read the headline ‘Let’s have an American-style yellow bus’ on Lynette Kyme’s letter (July 7). > more
Be happy, get back to basics -
IS it my imagination or are we becoming a nation of depression and obesity? > more
How easy is it to see your GP? - ALL of us need to visit a doctor at some point. Unfortunately, as James Collins’s experience shows... > more
It’s time to revolt - THERE are many sad things in this world. One of them is the tactics used by Camden Council against the elderly, who want nothing... > more
Artist’s plight brushed away - THE disgusting decision by the Home Office to refuse asylum to Behnam Askari and his mother (Iranian artist faces... > more
United for our fountain - WE were annoyed and dismayed to see the report in last week’s New Journal (Hostility, it seems, springs eternal…, July 5). > more
In the dark about recycling - GORDON Brown and his government should address the serious issue of recycling. > more
Protect the park - COUNCILLORS should spontaneously adopt and pursue good ideas. Why do they need pressure groups before acting? > more