Have we got jobs for you!
A CAREER in the fire service or as a paramedic is on offer at the New Journal’s annual career fair this Saturday.
Life savers from the services will be there to share their skills at a series of job seminars as we unveil thousands of jobs, training opportunities and courses. And making a special appearance to open the event will be TV presenter Kate Garraway.
Almost 50 organisations from a wide range of sectors will be exhibiting at the fair, which will be held at central London’s largest hotel, the Royal National hotel in Bedford Way, Russell Square.
Organiser Tony Moran said: “This is the 19th fair we have organised. It’s an unmissable chance for people to come along and speak directly to many organisations on the day, who have jobs, training opportunities or courses. Come along and find a new career.”
Major employers hunting for staff include Camden and Islington councils. Also on offer are 2,000 catering vacancies at Arsenal’s new stadium, as well as openings for groundsmen, porters and security staff.
Construction staff are in demand too, for the redevelopment going on at King’s Cross, and for Balfour Beatty.
Young people seeking employment will be able to visit Camden Jobtrain, one of the country’s leading youth training organisations.
They have places available on courses as diverse as animal care, motor vehicles, sport, hair and beauty, retail and construction.
Both the Mayors of Camden and Islington will be at the fair, as well as MPs Glenda Jackson and Frank Dobson.
Entertainment will also be on hand, as a star Russian pianist and a hotly tipped young dancer are amongst performers at the event.
The fair is open to the public from 12 noon until 5pm, entry is completely free and there is no need to register.
To book your place on the seminars call Julie on 020 7953 7313. |